Who can use AromaRainbow

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Who can use AromaRainbow Healing Feelings?

People from all walks of life and all ages, will discover the remarkable benefits of having AromaRainbow to hand - to use whenever they choose. 
  • wake up each morning and say "how would I like to feel today!"
  • to change the way you feel when life becomes challenging
  • to have a coping strategy during times of stress and anxiety
  • to hold one's own during times of loss, loneliness, or ill-health
  • to feel better in the home, in relationships, or in the workplace
  • to have that feel-good, happiness factor
  • to enhance your life in some way
  • during times of study, exams, problem-solving, parenting, interviews, new job, retirement
  • boosting confidence, creativity, inspiration, empowerment, new beginnings and joy
  • Professional Therapists, Medical Personnel, Clinicians, Carers, and Complementary Therapists can all use AromaRainbow to enhance their treatment/therapy sessions. Especially when their patients, or clients, are back in their home environment.
Situations where AromaRainbow can be of help


At home


Care Homes

Children's centres

Dentist's surgeries

Doctor's surgeries


Group practices





Job centres

Moving house

New direction

New job

Nursing homes


Out and about






Therapy centres

Training centres




Ways AromaRainbow can help with dreams and desires
  • An Artist feeling more Joyful, so that his painting flows with his brush strokes
  • A Chef feeling more Inspired to conjure up exciting and tasty meals for his clients 
  • An Entrepreneur feeling more Empowered to try new experiences and business ideas
  • A Golfer feeling more Balanced so that his golf swing is more accurate
  • A Meditator feeling more Peaceful
Pink rose
Joy and happiness
  • A Poet feeling more Passionate when writing his poems 
  • Partners feeling more Loving towards each other
  • Seeking Spirituality and feeling more open to Spiritual Teachings 
  • A Traveller feeling more Spontaneous and receptive to new opportunities
  • A Writer feeling more Creative and Inspirational 
AromaRainbow Healing Feelings is here for YOU - however you choose to feel, 
whatever you wish  to achieve, wherever you are 
Listen to your heart's desires
Yes you can
Direct your own play of life
Director's chair
Bring your dreams into reality
Follow your dreams
AromaRainbow Healing Feelings is the Solution you have been looking for!
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