What is AromaRainbow Healing Feelings

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What is AromaRainbow Healing Feelings and how does it work?

We are what we think!

Thinking the same thoughts, over and over, powerfully affect our mind, body, soul, and what happens in our lives - creating ripples that spread far and wide. 

Once I understood the dynamics between our thoughts, what we say, and our sensory systems, I began to research and explore the correlations between them all.

The diamond within!

Recognising how our feelings affect our whole being, I understood that this was a golden opportunity to see if I could combine all my skills to find a way to change the way we feel.

Eventually, the awe-inspiring facets of our sensory systems all came together, and here it is.

AromaRainbow Healing Feelings!

AromaRainbow Healing Feelings offers you choices about how you wish to feel. Maybe you would like to feel more confident, energised, optimistic or peaceful? But how does this work? AromaRainbow stimulates and utilises all your sensory systems at the same time to change the way you feel!  It is quite unique and has never been done before.

It combines the aspects of many ancient healing traditions and your sensory systems -

  • Sight and the Chakra System - when looking at each rainbow colour on the Chart and Cards and absorbing their healing frequencies and vibrations
  • Sound and Affirmations - when using your own voice to say the Affirmations,  your whole body vibrates at a subtle level
  • Aroma - when inhaling the Organic Essential Oils their amazing proven abilities stimulate different feelings and emotions
  • Pictures, Imagery and Imagination - the pictures on the Chart and Cards stimulate new thoughts, ideas and possibilities
  • Touch - when holding the Affirmation Cards - bringing you out of your mind going round and round in circles - by grounding you back into your physical body
  • Intuition, Inspiration and Inner or sixth Sense - stimulating your own healing guidance system, affirming you are heading in the right direction and synchronicities begin to occur. People come into your life, new events draw you, you see 'signs' everywhere encouraging new directions, new ways of thinking, new beginnings, new creations.

I desired to prove the science behind AromaRainbow Healing Feelings, and so many years of research into known ancient and modern healing therapies ensued. I have detailed these in more detail below.

AromaRainbow - is a coping strategy designed to help you feel better whenever needed. Your go-to lifeline to a less stressful and happier way of being. A proven strategy to help you in your everyday life and within the world around you.

  • AromaRainbow is a dynamic, self-help life skill and coping mechanism that you will treasure and use for many years to come.
  • AromaRainbow Healing Feelings combines the healing properties of Essential Oils, Colour, Pictures, Sound, and Affirmations, to help change the way you feel.
  • How you feel right now affects everything you can or cannot do in your life. For example, suppose you are feeling stressed and anxious. It can be challenging to change those feelings into more empowering ones such as joy and creativity. This is what AromaRainbow Healing Feelings does. It offers you choices, ideas, opportunities and synchronicities that help direct the way forwards in your life. Allowing you to actively take part in your own healing process.
  • AromaRainbow gives you choices where you might have felt you didn't have any!
  • It is very empowering when you find a way to help yourself. Be amazed at how choosing to change the way you feel can create multiple possibilities for a happier, more joyful way of being.
  • This revolutionary, multi-sensory approach offers you choices.  Maximising your ability to create the reality of your dreams - anytime, anyplace, anywhere!

The A4 AromaRainbow Chart consists of -

  • a rainbow colour wheel, separated into 8 segments, with uplifting and energizing pictures

  • 22 empowering feelings to choose from in the outer circle

  • 7 suggested essential oils in the inner circle for you to choose from and gently inhale.

AromaRainbow Healing Feelings Chart and Affirmation Cards

The 8 Affirmation Cards contain -

22 Affirmations for you to say your intentions  out loud, signalling how you wish to feel to your higher self. 

AromaRainbow Nasal Inhalers

containing 7 Organic Essential Oils

How to use AromaRainbow Healing Feelings

How to use the AromaRainbow Chart, Essential Oils, and Affirmation Cards

Your feelings dictate what you can and can't do in life! AromaRainbow helps you change the way you feel, enhancing your feelings of confidence, happiness, harmony joy and increased mental well being, any time, anyplace, anywhere. 

  • Simply CHOOSE how you wish to feel from the Chart
  • INHALE the suggested Essential Oil
  • FOCUS on the healing colour and picture
  • SAY the Affirmation from the Cards
  • and your SENSORY SYSTEM will do the rest!

Thus activating your all your sensory systems at the same time. This is what makes AromaRainbow so unique! You do this whole thing yourself. It is very empowering and uplifting.

  • Amazing things will begin to happen.
  • Coincidences and synchronicities will come your way
  • Like attracts like.
  • People come your way.
  • New opportunities occur as if from nowhere.
  • Everything coming together like a jigsaw puzzle
  • All the time your FEELINGS guiding you.
  • You KNOW in yourself that IF IT FEELS RIGHT - IT IS RIGHT!

I have detailed below each of these sensory systems, to highlight scientifically proven facts about how they truly affect the way you feel. Adding to your understanding of how AromaRainbow works and how helpful it can be to you.

Aroma, colour, sound, and affirmations are higher harmonic healing frequencies proven by science, to resonate beautifully with the frequencies of your mind, body, and spirit.

AromaRainbow uses these frequencies to naturally raise the lower vibrations of stress and anxiety, to the higher vibrations of love, happiness, or any other feeling you desire. You can choose!

AromaRainbow Healing Feelings - easy to do, yet very powerful!

20 minutes a day to a happier way!

The Science behind AromaRainbow Healing Feelings 

Your mind, body, feelings and emotions are unable to differentiate between reality and virtual reality. They all get activated whether you are experiencing things in real life or a computer-generated virtual reality game.  You may be watching a scary film, and you jump out of your seat and feel the emotions of fear. Or you may be watching a beautiful love story and feel the emotions of love and joy and maybe some happy tears. All pilots learn to fly on a simulator - they get to practice, make mistakes and perfect their flying skills before they go into the sky above. When they are using the simulator it is absolutely as real within their mind, body and emotions - but in a much safer way.

All these computer games become real life as we act and react to the machine, experiencing all the decision-making and fight-or-flight responses, believing it to be real in each moment. According to our mind, body, and emotions, virtual reality is indeed real! This is what happens when we dream new scenarios, go back into memories of our childhood, look at photographs from the past, smell a beautiful flower, and 'see' ourselves in a meadow, or remember what someone said. All these immediately trigger our feelings and emotions.

Eve's vision was to combine the potency of 'virtual reality' and our sensory system, culminating in the creation of AromaRainbow Healing Feelings. This unique blend empowers individuals to dictate their emotional state, igniting their creativity and fostering a harmonious alignment of their emotions with innovative thoughts. In essence, AromaRainbow offers a transformative shift, enabling individuals to take control of their thoughts, emotions, and external influences. By intentionally cultivating the desired emotions, individuals not only cultivate confidence and empowerment, but also set in motion a ripple effect that attracts positive people, situations, fresh ideas, new decisions, and a more joyful way of life.

So this led Eve on a journey to discover more about how this could be done and to prove the science behind AromaRainbow Healing Feelings.

Listed below are the different facets of AromaRainbow in more detail.

Aroma and Essential Oils

Flowers and plants are potent healers. Egyptian hieroglyphs and Chinese manuscripts document that priests and physicians used essential oils to heal the sick thousands of years ago. They even considered these oils to be more valuable than gold!

Today, Aromatherapists also use essential oils for healing - while massaging, during inhalation, or in a healing lotion. 
Many successful scientific studies of essential oils have proven their healing abilities for our mind, body, and sense of well-being.

Our sense of smell is directly linked to our feelings and emotions, which is why aromatic essential oils are so evocative, with their mood-enhancing qualities.

Rose blossoms
For instance, smelling a beautiful rose will 'gladden your heart'. Did you know it takes 60 roses to create a single drop of Rose essential oil?

We have a natural, vibrational electrical frequency between 62-68 MHz, which reduces during ill health. High quality essential oils have unique frequencies, with Rose having the highest frequency in the nature kingdom at 320 MHz. AromaRainbow utilises the higher vibrations of essential oils to naturally lift lower frequency states in our mind and body returning us to health, harmony and balance.

Colour Healing

Colours are all around us and have been used since ancient times for healing, and used by Colour Therapists today. 

Science has proven how colours affect our energy centres or chakras and how we feel (shown opposite). We can use specific colours to lift our feelings and energy levels. We even use colour in our language to describe our feelings - red rag to a bull, feeling blue, green with envy, in the pink!

For instance, looking at red helps us feel more energetic, looking at green helps us relax, looking at yellow helps us feel joyful.
The prism shows white light being split into the colours of the rainbow, which are used for healing in the AromaRainbow Chart.
You only have to look at each colour for its healing vibrations to positively effect our well-being.

Whether it is the colours in nature, the environment we are in, or the colour of the clothes that we wear - all have an effect on our mood, energy levels, and how we feel.

This is why the AromaRainbow colour wheel is so proactive in keeping our chakra centres balanced. Using specific colours to help change our moods, feelings, and emotions.
Pictures, Imagery and Imagination

Pictures, Imagery and Imagination

A picture speaks a thousand words!  The remarkable power of the brain is that it can think and imagine what does not exist right now. Anything is possible! This is how we create new realities. All inventions were first created in the mind's eye, including inventors like Albert Einstein! Or Architects that 'see' the finished building in their mind's eye.  Notice your thoughts, ideas, dreams and  passions coming together, like pieces of the puzzle, with the guidance and inspiration of using AromaRainbow.

The 8 coloured segments in the AromaRainbow Chart each have a specific picture that evokes a deeper meaning to that segment. For example, in the red part of the chart, the oak tree seedling, growing out of an acorn, depicts the power of nature and what we are capable of. 

A picture speaks a thousand words

Oak trees grow to incredible heights, with deep roots in the ground to support them, branches reaching out in all directions. 

Reminding us that all nature grows from a seed.

An intuitive feeling, or a seedling of an idea, can reach great heights of manifestation and fruition in our own lives too.

Sound Healing is the Medicine of the Future - Edgar Cayce

Since ancient times, sound healing has been used for healing the mind, body, and spirit. The most powerful healing force is considered to be the vibrational frequencies of the human voice. 

These vibrations radiate outwards, like ripples on a pond, as well as radiating inwards to the deep cellular levels in our body. The pituitary gland in the brain releases happy endorphins into our bloodstream, changing our feelings and bodily reactions positively. This is why Affirmations are so powerful.
Cymatics Tonoscope
Tonoscope - 
your voice made visible!
With the kind permission of Suzanne Tribe.    suzannetribe.blogspot.com 
Suzanne Tribe is a Master Level Music Therapist. Providing evidence-based music therapy services, for adults and children, with medical and neurological conditions, in hospitals, psychiatric, special needs, rehabilitative, and palliative care centres.     

Suzanne uses the Tonoscope as part of her music therapy. It consists of a bowl with a circular membrane under tension, with salt placed on it. She hums, sings, tones or speaks different vowel sounds into the attached pipe. Different pitches and tonality create voice patterns on the membrane, creating moving geometric patterns and mandalas for healing within every cell in our body. 
Positive Affirmations

We have seen above how the sound of our voice creates a moving form. What we think and talk about is real. It attracts what happens to us in our reality and the world around us.

The remarkable power of the brain is that it can think and imagine what does not exist right now, building new circuits as it does so. All inventions are created in our mind. Our imagination, internal and external dialogue, has no boundaries - anything is possible.
AromaRainbow Affirmation Cards 
Repetitive thoughts, words, and intentions are forms of affirmations and have immense influence in our lives. These powerful statements are a potent and dynamic motivational tool, helping to bring your dreams and desires into reality.

Used successfully by top athletes before races and used extensively in the Business and Motivational fields, affirmations have been scientifically proven to improve their performances.
The Power of Touch


When our mind is going round and round in circles, unable to make decisions, creating 'what if's', 'I can't', 'that might happen', life can feel very difficult.

The Affirmation Cards have another valuable quality. They give us something tangible to hold, they are real. Taking us away from our thoughts, bringing us down to earth, and giving us comfort in knowing that we can change our feelings in times of need, whenever we choose.

Intuition, Inspiration and 6th Sense

Intuition, Inspiration and 6th Sense 

AromaRainbow encourages our Higher Self to bypass the chattering mind and experience a sense of what feels right (6th Sense).  Our first thoughts are always right! How many times have you wished you had listened to that first thought and found the courage to make it happen?

AromaRainbow encourages that first step and creates a ripple effect that spreads far and wide. Synchronicities begin to happen, opportunities come our way, directing us forwards in the rhythm of life!

So here we are - AromaRainbow Healing Feelings. Your daily, self-help, life-system that helps to lift up your feelings and emotions, to be able to experience much more joy and happiness in your life. 

This is YOUR time - just 20 minutes a day to a happier way!

My dream has come true.  What are YOUR dreams?  
You deserve the best - let AromaRainbow do the rest!
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